Android vs apple

Software technologies are involved in all aspects of our lives and is becoming very popular to today’s world. These software technologies can be categorised into two key concepts: Open and Closed. 

Open source : refers to the software which uses the code freely available on the Internet. The code can be copied, modified or deleted.

Closed source : the software which uses the proprietary and closely guarded code

Apple vs Android is an example that is shown, Android is an Open Source Operating System. While Apple is a Closed Source Operating System.

However, when looking at the similarities, in the ways both devices can communicate, they both have different features.

Being an Apple owner and owning many apple products at a young age, it was hard to pick which product I prefer since I never owned an Android product.

I would always see these sort of memes (the picture below) of people making fun of Androids quality with photos and their emoji’s

Because of this I decided to put a poll on twitter to see which is better and as you can see Apple had the most votes.

One thought on “Android vs apple

  1. Hey Casie,
    We had similar ideas on this week’s topic in relation to Apple v Android. In my blog, I collected screenshots from a poll/ questionnaire that I posted on my Instagram story. The results were really interesting when I asked people to explain why they chose an Apple over android (with 114 votes for apple and 15 for android). Crazy, isn’t it? My remediation was also a meme about how people prefer Apple, even though their software is relatively garbage in comparison. Well done explaining the difference between an open and closed source, your blog really bettered my understanding on this week’s topic. Keep it up.


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